Стаття є дослідженням актуальних аспектів самоконтролю студентів за станом свого організму в процесі занять фізичними вправами. З’ясовано основні завдання самоконтролю та розглянуто його основні види. Проаналізовано суб’єктивні та об’єктивні показники, вимірювання яких здійснюється в процесі самоконтролю. Наведено суб’єктивні ознаки стомлення під час занять фізичними вправами. Зазначено, що результати самоконтролю необхідно регулярно реєструвати в спеціальному щоденнику самоконтролю.
The article is a study of the actual aspects of self-control of students in the state of their body in the process of recreation and physical exercises. The regular monitoring of health, physical development and the changes that occur under the influence of exercise and sports are an integral part of self-control during physical training. In order not to harm do sports, it is necessary to conduct regular monitoring of the body. The regular monitoring of the health, physical development and the changes under the influence of physical exercises and sport are the integral part of self-control during physical training. Self-control allows the student to evaluate the effectiveness of training, to observe the rules of personal hygiene, training regime. In the article analyzes the concept of self-control and the main tasks of self-control are clarified and its main types are considered. Subjective and objective indicators are analyzed, the measurement of which is carried out in the process of self-control. The subjective signs of fatigue during physical exercise are presented. It was noted that the results of self-control should be regularly recorded in a special self-control diary. The approximate scheme of the diary of self-control and an example of its filling is given. It has been found that self-control is very important for the dosage of training loads and is effectively used for regular monitoring of your health, physical condition, physical development and physical training. When you learn self-control and its correct use, it imparts to competent and conscious attitude to the health to those who are engaged in sport.