In the stattі of rozkrito special features of the technology of swimming of students-sailors at different stages of training. The statistic has seen the formulation of the technique of an athlete-swimming from the point of view of the dynamic dynamics, and it has been established that the complex process of sports training from swimming can be cleverly adapted to the period. It is emphasized that when swimming technology is introduced, it is necessary to use the lines, holding out which swimmers will take away the latest sports results.
Immediately before the start of classes in the pool with students was an introductory lecture, which focused on the impact of swimming on the human body, determined its health value, on different ways of swimming, including applied, rules of conduct in the pool.
Analysis of the training of outstanding swimmers of today in the vast majority of cases shows that for many years a diverse functional base was created, and only in its presence and with the achievement of optimal age to demonstrate higher achievements, the most powerful training reserves are realized. Strict adherence to the principles of sequence of increasing the training load is of great importance in the process of planning long-term training. In this case, training loads at all stages of training generally correspond to the functional capabilities of the athlete, which contributes to a systematic increase in the level of training.
В статті розкрито особливості навчання техніки плавання студентів-плавців на різних етапах підготовки. У статті розглянуто формування техніки спортсмена-плавця з точки зору вікової динаміки та встановлено, що багаторічний процес спортивних тренувань з плавання умовно можна поділити на періоди. Акцентовано, що при навчанні техніки плавання необхідно орієнтуватися на строки, протягом яких плавець отримує найвищі спортивні результати.