В статті розкрито особливості корекції психофізичного стану студентів засобами плавання. Визначено, що плавання є одним з найпоширеніших видів спорту серед студентів. Охарактеризовано вплив плавання не тільки на розвиток фізичних якостей, а й на покращення морфо функціональних та психічних показників людини.
Коррекция психофизического состояния студентов средствами
плавания. В статье раскрыты особенности коррекции психофизического состояния студентов средствами плавания.
Определено, что плавание является одним из самых распространенных видов спорта среди студентов.
Охарактеризованы влияние плавания не только на развитие физических качеств, но и на улучшение морфо
функциональных и психических показателей человека.
The article
reveals the features of the correction of the psychophysical state of students by means of swimming. It has been determined that
swimming is one of the most common sports among students. The influence of swimming not only on the development of physical
qualities, but also on the improvement of the morpho-functional and mental indicators of a person is characterized.
The formation of students' conscious attitude to their health, the development of the need for regular exercise, the
formation of self-confidence and the ability to overcome significant physical exertion, especially in conditions of increased emotional
and mental stress - one of the most important tasks of physical education in institutions physical education.
Many authors believe that students with higher physical fitness are better able to adapt to new conditions that arise at the
initial stage of learning, and this has a positive effect on their well-being, mental state, learning. There is an obvious relationship
between the physical and mental state of student youth. Scientists and practitioners are developing new approaches to organizing
and conducting classes that take into account the psychophysical condition of students.
Psychophysical health of student youth is the main problem. Selection of means and methods of physical education should
be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical state of the individual and contribute to the formation of a
stable, mentally stable personality.
Swimming is of great practical importance, is one of the means of physical development and health promotion. It reduces
excessive excitability and irritability, strengthens the nervous system.