В статті розкрито особливості силових навантажень та їх вплив на організм студентської молоді. Виявлено, що саме атлетизм є найбільш популярним видом спорту серед студентської молоді. У статті розкрито вплив атлетизму на організм студентів закладів вищої освіти у процесі занять з фізичного виховання. Аналіз літературних джерел показав тенденцію до постійного погіршення стану здоров‟я молоді, зниження мотивації до занять з фізичного виховання.
The article reveals the features of power loads and their impact on the body of student youth. It was found that athletics is the most popular sport among student youth. The article reveals the influence of athletics on the body of students of higher education institutions in the process of physical education. The analysis of literature sources showed a tendency to the constant deterioration of the health of young people, reducing the motivation to engage in physical education. One of the ways to solve the problem of involvement in physical education is the free choice of forms of employment. That is, there is a need to introduce a system of attendance at a convenient time for students in the chosen specialization. The main popularity for girls is aerobics and fitness, and for boys athletic gymnastics. However, the introduction of this system leads to negative aspects of physical education classes for students in the curriculum, which affects the study of other disciplines. For example, after a physical education class, a student cannot quickly rebuild, get out of the excited state caused by emotions and physical stress of the class. Therefore, the task of physical training must be solved in the mandatory physical education classes held outside the university schedule in the afternoon. This is a direction of bodybuilding, based on the use of strength training complexes with different weights: barbells, dumbbells, dumbbells, exercise machines. It is a system of exercises that develops strength along with endurance, agility and some other physical qualities that promote good health. Over the last decade, studies have been conducted on the impact of recreational strength training.