Досліджувались соматотипологічний стан і вікові показники фізичного здоров’я дівчаток молодшого шкільного віку. Визначалася динаміка показників соматичного здоров’я представниць різних соматотипів. Серед обстежених школярок представниць з високим рівнем фізичного здоров’я помічено не було. Вікова динаміка фізичного здоров’я школярок 7-10 років має певний взаємозв’язок між його рівнем, та особливостями тілобудови обстежених.
Исследовались соматотипологическое состояние и возрастные показатели физического здоровья девочек младшего школьного возраста. Определялась динамика показателей соматического здоровья представителей разных соматотипов. Среди обследуемых школьниц представителей с высоким уровнем физического здоровья замечено не было. Возрастная динамика физического здоровья школьниц 7-10 лет имеет определенную взаимосвязь между его уровнем и особенностями телостроения обследованных.
Differentiation of forms, means and methods of physical education are one of the modern directions of improving the teaching Physical Education as a subject. The latter provides for not only the sex-age developmental patterns, but also the individual capabilities of groups that are homogeneous in the morphofunctional state of the group. First of all, it concerns the differentiation of physical education means and methods, as well as the development of appropriate standards of physical preparation. Scientists consider it as connection with strengthening of physical health of children and teenagers. Developing the motor skills of students, including primary school girls, is a key to their health. Therefore, investigating of ways that take into account the individual-typological characteristics of students and programming the development of their motor abilities on this basis is of theoretical and practical importance. The somatotypological condition and age-related physical health indicators of young school-age girls were investigated. The study of somatotypological condition of girls 7-10 years was undertaken by the author's method. The level of physical health of those who were surveyed was determined by the well-known method of G. L. Apanasenko. The dynamics of somatic health indicators of female representatives of different somatotypes were determined. There were not representatives of high level of physical health status among the examined schoolgirls. Age dynamics of physical health of schoolgirls 7-10 years has some interrelation between its level and specificities of body types.