Теоретичний аналіз обраної проблеми дав підстави створити наступні кроки щодо організації фізичної підготовки зі школярами молодшого шкільного віку: формування системи тренувальних завдань; добір відповідних фізичних вправ; визначення оптимального дозування фізичних навантажень; пошук ефективних методів організації заняття; ефективність застосування гімнастичних - координаційних вправ для формування культури рухів молодших тенісистів. Відносний приріст у показниках фізичних якостей в експериментальних групах достовірно перевищив показники контрольної групи у більшості тестових завданнях. Експериментально доведено ефективність впливу гімнастичних вправ на формування культури рухів молодших школярів і підтверджується отриманими кількісними показниками. Отже засоби фізичної культури застосовувані на тренувальних заняттях в кожному разі позитивно впливають на розвиток як постави, пластики і координації рухів.
The following experimental data were obtained in the work: A theoretical analysis of the selected problem gave grounds for creating the following steps regarding the organization of physical training with schoolchildren of primary school age: the formation of a system of educational tasks; selection of appropriate physical exercises; determination of the optimal dosage of physical activity; search for effective methods of organizing classes. The effectiveness of the use of gymnastic - coordination exercises to form the culture of movements of young tennis players. The relative increase in the indicators of physical qualities in the experimental groups significantly exceeded the indicators of the control groups in most test tasks. The overall level of physical fitness in terms of the mandatory comprehensive test after the experiment in boys of the control group increased by 5.9%, and in boys of the experimental group - by 26%. In girls of the control group, the level of physical fitness increased by 6.73%. In the experimental group of girls, the level of physical fitness increased by 24%. Under the conditions of the pedagogical experiment, the level of physical fitness of the boys and girls of the experimental groups significantly increased compared with the control groups (p <0.05). It is proved that a targeted continuous influence on all the motor functions of the body of boys and girls of 8-9 years, engaged in tennis, contributes to the complex physical development and improvement of physical qualities in this age. The above data indicate greater effectiveness of the proposed methodology for the integrated development of physical qualities in the process of physical education of children 8-9 years old.
The effectiveness of the influence of gymnastic exercises on the formation of the culture of movements of primary schoolchildren is proved by experimentally obtained quantitative data: posture indicators in children of the experimental group improved by 26% more than in the control group, plasticity - by 24% and coordination - by 22%, which, in our opinion, there is a high achievement. The results show that students in the control group, which did not use special exercises for posture, the development of plasticity and the development of coordination, but taking into account the use of exercises appropriate to the school curriculum, nevertheless there were changes to the best indicators: posture - by 18%, plastic - by 12 %, coordination - by 25%. This suggests that the means of physical culture used in training in each case, positively affect the development of posture, plastic and coordination of movements.