Статтю присвячено історії становлення та розвитку правої легалізації права на працю жінок в Україні. Досліджено історичні етапи розвитку правової легалізації права жінки на працю. Проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку нормативно-правової бази українського законодавства, яке гарантує право на працю жінок.
The article examines the historical path of origin, formation and development of women’s rights to work. The authors describe the main historical stages and the role of women at each stage of development of relations between employer and employee. Then the authors form a vision of the role of women not only as a mother but also as worker. Also, the authors characterize the basic rights and responsibilities of women in each historical stage of society. The authors pay much attention to the historical period of development of labor law during the Soviet Union. The authors support the opinion of scientists that in the specified chronological period there was a consolidation of the basic labor rights of women. Then the authors analyze the current state of development of the labor legislation system in Ukraine. The authors demonstrate the imperfection of the labor law system in guaranteeing women’s right to work. The authors describe the effect of the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men" of September 8, 2005 № 2866-IV on guaranteeing women’s labor freedoms. The authors make conclusion that the legal system of Ukraine is imperfect in reducing the "double burden on women" and ensuring gender equality of women in all spheres of labor relations.