Дослідження присвячено проблемі рухової підготовки студентів з
використанням тренажерів у процесі занять баскетболом. Підтверджено
популярність баскетболу серед молоді. Досліджено показники фізичного
розвитку та рухової підготовленості студентів різного рівня ігрової
майстерності. Запропоновано чотири портативні тренажерні пристрої:
«Shooting duable» для розвитку точності просторово-динамічних та просторовочасових параметрів рухів під час кидків та підбору м'яча; «Dribble stand» для
підвищення швидкості і координації рухів під час ведення м’яча; «Сoordination
ladder» для розвитку швидкості та координації рухів; «Jump absorber» для
розвитку швидкісно-силових якостей. Розроблено методику їх застосування, що
базувалася на врахуванні вихідного рівня фізичної підготовленості тих, хто
займається, включає використання підвідних, підготовчих вправ, технічних
прийомів гри методами інтервальної вправи (повторно-серійного методу) та
комбінованої вправи (колового, ігрового та змагального методів). Створено
критеріально-діагностичний інструментарій для оцінювання навчальних
досягнень студентів у процесі занять баскетболом з використанням тренажерів,
розроблено контрольні тести і нормативи оцінки рухової підготовленості
молоді. Доведено розвивальний та оздоровчий ефект застосування технічного
обладнання на заняттях з баскетболу студентів різного рівня ігрової
Исследование посвящено проблеме двигательной подготовки студентов с
использованием тренажеров в процессе занятий баскетболом. Подтверждена
популярность баскетбола среди молодежи. Исследованы показатели
физического развития и двигательной подготовленности студентов разного
уровня игрового мастерства. Предложены четыре портативных тренажерных
устройства: «Shooting duable» для развития точности пространственно-динамических и пространственно-временных параметров движений во время
бросков и подбора мяча; «Dribble stand» для повышения скорости и
координации движений при ведении мяча; «Сoordination ladder» для развития
скорости и координации движений; «Jump absorber» для развития скоростносиловых качеств. Разработана методика их применения, которая базируется на
учете исходного уровня физической подготовленности занимающихся,
включает использование подводящих, подготовительных упражнений,
технических приемов игры з помощью методов интервального упражнения
(повторно-серийного метода) и комбинированного упражнения (кругового,
игрового и соревновательного методов). Создан критериально-диагностический
инструментарий для оценки знаний студентов в процессе занятий баскетболом
с использованием тренажеров, разработаны контрольные тесты и нормативы
оценки двигательной подготовленности молодежи. Доказан развивающий и
оздоровительный эффект применения технического оборудования на занятиях
по баскетболу для студентов разного уровня игрового мастерства.
The study is devoted to the problem of the student’s motor training using
simulators in the process of basketball. It is established that the using of simulators
for the development of motor qualities enhances the effectiveness of physical
exercises. At the present stage of the development of sports science, experience has
been gained in creating technical devices and simulators for training basketball
players, but the pedagogical aspect, including the development and use of technical
means in basketball classes for students with different levels of preparedness, remains
poorly understood. The popularity of basketball among young people and the interest
in the use of simulators in the process of physical exercises was confirmed. The
indicators of physical development and physical fitness of the students of different
levels of basketball technique are studied. Physical development and motor readiness
of the students are investigated; differences in anthropometric, physiometric and
motor indicators of development of the organism of boys and girls of different level
of game preparedness are traced. It has been confirmed that students' motor
performance depends on their level of proficiency in basketball.
Four portable training devices for basketball were designed: “Shooting duable”
for the development of the accuracy of spatio-dynamic and spatio-temporal
parameters of movements during throws and selection of the ball; “Dribble stand” to
increase the speed and coordination of movements during the ball; “Coordination
ladder” for the development of speed and coordination of movements; “Jump absorber” for the development of speed-power qualities. The principle of the
simulators is controlled muscle activity, which provides psychophysical readiness for
the effective implementation of basketball techniques and game actions without a
ball. The action of the simulators provides for the effect of a conjugate effect, it
allows simultaneous influence on the development of special motor qualities and
training in basketball technique due to the improvement of the structure of
movements and muscular feeling. When developing training equipment, the need for
simplicity of design and application technology, maximum accessibility for students
with different levels of game preparedness was taken into account. A methodology
has been developed for using them to develop students' motor qualities during the
basketball lessons, taking into account the initial level of physical fitness of the
students, which is based on the implementation of: lead-up, preparatory exercises and
technical methods of the game using the methods of interval exercises (re-serial
method) and combined exercises (circular, game and competitive methods) for a
primary influence on the development of speed, coordination and accuracy of
movements, soon spot-strength, and various kinds of special endurance (speed,
strength and coordination). The educational process provided for the sequence and
interconnection of the main tasks: the formation of motivation and a system of
theoretical knowledge on the use of simulators in basketball classes; direct
involvement of students in various forms of basketball with the use of technical
equipment. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the
development of motor qualities of students by means of basketball with the use of
exercise equipment are determined, namely: compliance with hygiene requirements
and the safety of places of employment; the availability of training equipment for the
development of basic motor qualities in the process of basketball; the use of practical
experience in the implementation of simulators in the educational process of physical
education; increasing students' motivation for systematic motor activity in various
forms of basketball classes; the implementation of an individual approach by taking
into account the level of special motor preparedness of students; creating a system of
objective control over the development of motor qualities with the help of training
equipment in the process of basketball lessons.
Criteria and diagnostic tools have been created for assessing students'
knowledge in the process of playing basketball with the use of simulators,
represented by the corresponding system of criteria, indicators and levels, and allow
us to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation: health, educational and
educational tasks. Qualitative characteristics are proposed that allow an objective
assessment of the result of the implementation of the technique of using technical
equipment for the development of motor qualities of students in the process of
basketball. To assess the students' motor readiness, control tests and standards were
developed taking into account their playing skills. Control tests include exercises to
determine the level of development of students' motor skills, the level of mastering
the basketball technique, as well as the level of mastering the exercises on the
simulators, and the norms are differentiated by the level of playing skill – initial and
high. The choice of motor tests is related to the orientation of the exercise equipment during basketball lessons, and also takes into account the informative influence of
different motor qualities on the game performance. Assessment of the development
of motor skills involves performing 4 control exercises that determine the level of
manifestation of speed, agility and power-speed qualities using standards at five
levels: low, lower than average, medium, higher than average, high.
The effectiveness of the methodology for the use of technical equipment for the
development of motor qualities of students in the process of basketball lessons has
been proved from the perspective of increasing indicators of motor fitness, technical
skill, physical development and motivation of students in higher education