Короткий опис(реферат):
For real European integration of Ukraine and increasing the
scientific level of the Ukrainian higher education, the introduction of innovative methods and techniques is necessary. For a correct understanding
of the innovative directions of reforming higher education, it is necessary
to create a scientific apparatus that combines the theory and practice
of innovative development of higher education and the entire system of
higher education. Authors propose to introduce a new scientific direction
in the sphere of higher education with a new scientific term - "Innovatics
of higher education" or "higher education innovatics".
The theoretical foundations and practical provisions of the new scientific
direction in the sphere of higher education|the innovatics in higher education includes a complex of innovative changes in such inherent in higher
education types of activities as: teaching, training, study; scientific and
R&D activities, new technic and technologies development, construction
and design creativity; cultural and moral development, upbringing of human values; education of honesty and justice, patriotism and peacefulness; instilling love and tolerance for one's neighbor, mercy and charity,
compassion; engineering, technical, informational activities; financial and
economic support of the educational process and R&D, operating and
business expenses, development and expansion of activities; inventive and
patent-licensing activities, technology transfer; academic or university entrepreneurship; sports, recreational, festive and extracurricular activities;
and other types of activities of universities, colleges and other institutions
related / involved / associated with higher education.
Thus, innovatics in higher education (as the complex of innovations in the
whole sphere of higher education) includes innovative changes in almost all
areas of higher education to enhance and/or improve the quality training of
professionally prepared and responsible citizens of the modern community
and for development of university R&D. These can be useful for reforming
the national higher education system of Ukraine and for the development
of a new scientific direction in the field of higher education.