В статті висвітлено багатопланові аспекти вивчення проблем культурологічних дисциплін в умовах Вищої освіти. Представлено психолого-педагогічні принципи організації викладання культурології для студентів гуманітарного напряму та нові форми роботи в навчальному процесі.
В статье отражены многоплановые аспекты изучения проблем культурологических дисциплин в условиях высшего образования. Представлены психолого-педагогические принципы организации преподавания культурологии для студентов гуманитарного направления и новые формы работы в учебном процессе.
The article highlights the multifaceted aspects of studying problems of studying cultural subjects in terms of higher education. Presented by psychological and pedagogical principles of teaching cultural studies student humanities and new forms of work in the classroom. It is noted that a necessary part of teaching cultural studies is to develop meaningful analysis and synthesis, and use them as a way of learning activities. The purpose of education is under current conditions is the formation of a person who is able to critically reflect upon the environment, themselves and other people, capable of self-correction behavior of themselves in new modern conditions of life. The main thing – to teach students to highlight the main trends and stages of development of culture and make it a subject of its own special analysis; show the relationship of all elements (parameters) culture at all levels, from the general to the individual; considering man as creator and bearer for her native culture, show that the differences between people due to the originality whole cultures rather than differences between certain anthropological ethnographic evidence. This will enable students not only learn from a variety of cultures, but also to present some of its development trends, identify benchmarks in the analysis of contemporary cultural phenomena.