У статті надано результати першого етапу досліджень щодо визначення рівня мотивації студентів педагогічного профілю з ослабленим здоров’ям до занять з фізичного виховання. Показано, що усвідомлений вибір студентів виду рухової діяльності дозволить не тільки підвищити рівень відвідування занять з фізичного виховання, але й підсилить їх інтерес до них та забезпечить активну участь в навчальному процесі, що стане підґрунтям для формування усвідомленої мотивації у студентів з ослабленим здоров’ям до занять з фізичного виховання.
В статье приведены результаты первого этапа исследований по определению уровня мотивированности студентов педагогического профиля с ослабленным здоровьем к занятиям по физическому воспитанию. Показано, что осознанный выбор студентов вида двигательной деятельности позволит не только повысить уровень посещения занятий по физическому воспитанию, но и усилит их интерес к ним и обеспечит активное участие в учебном процессе, станет основой для формирования осознанной мотивации студентов с ослабленным здоровьем к занятий по физическому воспитанию.
The article presents the results of the first stage of research to determine the level of motivation of students of a pedagogical profile with impaired health to physical education classes. It is shown that conscious choice of students of motor activity will not only increase the level of attending physical education classes, but will also increase their interest in them and will provide active participation in the educational process, which will become the basis for the formation of conscious motivation in students with impaired health physical education classes. The results of the questionnaire survey among the first and second year students identified the main issues that need to be addressed in order to significantly improve the educational process of physical education with students with impaired health. These include: Introducing changes to the curriculum and syllabuses in physical education for students with disabilities, namely in its theoretical section. The purpose of theoretical training will be to form students' knowledge of healthy lifestyles, health status, components of physical health: physical development, physical fitness, physical activity, physical performance. This will not only promote the development of the aforementioned components of physical health in physical education classes, independent physical education and sports, while actively pursuing recreation and leisure, but will also significantly contribute to the formation of conscious motivation in them. The educational process of physical education of student youth can be successful only if the achievement of the goal of learning becomes the dominant motive of this pedagogical process, and the main condition for the formation of motivation is the inclusion of students in the corresponding educational activity. According to the results of the survey, most students preferred to play badminton. Badminton is one of the most widespread and versatile forms of realization of physical activity of a person, due to the wide possibilities of individual choice, dosage of exercises, their variety and degree of complexity. Badminton refers to acyclic complex coordination sports. He is characterized by such features as speed of movement, speed of thinking, speed of execution of technical techniques with the maximum reduction of preparatory actions, manifestation of morally strong-willed qualities.