Стаття присвячена аналізу ролі фізичного виховання в гармонійному розвитку студентів. Запропоновані шляхи вирішення проблеми збереження та зміцнення здоров’я.
This article analyzes the role of physical education at harmonic development of students. The variants of solving task of supporting and strengthening health. The physical culture is the specific kind of social activities at process of which it takes place a satisfaction of physical and mental demands of human with the help of certain lessons of physical exercises, with the help of learning and application of respective knowledge and skills as well as a partition at sport actions and competitions. The physical education is the composite part of general educational system of bringing youth and it joins young people culture with the help of moving activities at all forms; it plays decisive role at forming individuals of young people that it is more important then healthy impact of physical culture. At educational and bringing process of higher educational establishment the physical culture and sport are the means of social creation of future specialists; the means of active development their individual and professional important qualities; the means of bringing their as collective and helpful memberships. The future specialists must be responsible and proud for their collective. The physical culture and sport are the means of achievement of physical perfection. As the learning subject the physical culture has complex structure; this culture includes the effect on physiological systems of organism of trainees; this culture improves physical and mental qualities concerning to psychological stability, to nervous and emotional sphere of students. The physical culture is the process of planning effect on students upon responsible observation and guidance of teachers; these teachers have to give knowledge to future specialists and have to form right understanding social meaning of physical culture and sport at conditions of industrial activities as well as these teachers have to form a physical culture of a person.