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Ukrainian State University

Фізична та техніко – тактична підготовка студентів які займаються футболом

ISSN: 2310-8290

Show simple item record Лускань, О. Ю. 2020-07-08T07:18:38Z 2020-07-08T07:18:38Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Лускань О. Ю. Фізична та техніко – тактична підготовка студентів які займаються футболом / О. Ю. Лускань // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15 : Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт) : зб. наук. праць. - Київ : Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2015. - Вип. 2 (55). - С. 58-62. ua
dc.description.abstract У роботі визначено основні напрямки, форми та зміст проведення учбово – тренувального процесу з фізичної та технічної підготовки футболістів. Гарна фізична та техніко – тактична підготовка сприяє значно вдосконалити спортивну майстерність. ua
dc.description.abstract The tendency of development of football shows that modern football is characterized by high level of football – players’ athletism as well as manifestation by football – players moving activities with a ball and without ball. It is impossible to use successfully technical methods and to realize planned tactical actions at a minimal time and during whole game without certain level of development of strength, velocity, co – ordinational abilities and endurance. Football requires versatile training that is caused frequently by changeable game situations as well as individual and collective actions. The works of various authors convince that the effectiveness of competitive activities at football depend not only on level of development of football – players’ physical qualities but also considerably on technical and tactical training. So practice and scientific investigations show that system of training of highly qualified football – players has to first of all to mean achievement of certain level of football – players’ physical qualities and teams which corresponds to requirements of modern football. The development of physical qualities is the most important part of educational and training process. As a result of purposeful educational and training work the physical qualities are developed and skills are obtained which are necessary at football. Physical training of football – players consists of overall and special training; these kinds of training are organically connected with each other and these kinds of training are the whole process. Rationally organized overall physical training is directed to all – round and at the same time proportional development of various moving qualities. This is functional base for development of special physical qualities, effective work on improving other sides of training of sportsmen namely technical, tactical, psychological sides. ua
dc.language.iso uk ua
dc.publisher НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова ua
dc.subject футбол ua
dc.subject фізична та техніко – тактична підготовка ua
dc.subject football ua
dc.subject physical ua
dc.subject technical-tactical preparation ua
dc.title Фізична та техніко – тактична підготовка студентів які займаються футболом ua
dc.title.alternative Physical and technical- tactical preparation of students that engage in football ua
dc.type Article ua

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