Серцева недостатність найчастіше, як ускладнення серцево-судинних захворювань, негативно впливає на фізичний, функціональний та психоемоційний стан, а відповідно на якість життя дитини. Розроблено алгоритм обстеження дітей з хронічною серцевою недостатністю. Запропоноване обстеження є комплексним і дозволяє виявити проблеми не лише з боку серцево-судинної системи, що дозволяє індивідуально дібрати засоби для реабілітації.
One of the most frequent complications of heart diseases that lead to premature disability, reduced quality of life and mortality is heart failure (HF). It negatively affects on physical, functional and psycho-emotional state of the child. Research aim - to develop an algorithm of examination of children with chronic heart failure. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological data and global Internet information network. We have developed an algorithm of examination of children with chronic heart failure that includes two components: cardiac examination and rehabilitation examination. Cardiac examination of patient allows cardiologist identify its membership to the group of HF I-IIA or to the group of HF IIB-III. In our research patients of group of HF I-IIA have further examination (rehabilitation). Rehabilitation examination includes medical history survey, using our questionnaire, and using four interrelated components: assessment of emotional state and quality of life, evaluation of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, evaluation of cardio-respiratory and autonomic systems, evaluation of physical development and exercise tolerance. To overcome existing physical, functional and psycho-emotional disorders in children with chronic heart failure effectively we should follow developed algorithm of examination. Therefore, examination should be comprehensive and include not only researches of cardiovascular system that will provide an opportunity to identify a variety of disorders in different body systems, consider the individual characteristics of the child. Determined results will allow us to define child's problem, create tasks of the rehabilitation process and further rehabilitation strategy. Prospect for further research is developing a physical rehabilitation program for children with chronic heart failure.