Показано вплив різних чинників на формування агресивності та патріотичних почуттів у юних спортсменів. У експерименті приймав участь 161 юний спортсмен у віці 13–16 років та 89 учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів того ж віку, які не займалися спортом. Тестування проводилися анонімно. Проаналізовано результати лонгітюдинальних досліджень, здійснених нами у 90-х, 2000-х та 2010-х роках. Встановлено факт специфічності впливу тренувань різної спрямованості та мотиваційного чинника підлітків на формування агресивності та патріотичних почуттів.
Influence of different factors is shown on forming of aggressiveness and patriotic feelings for the young sportsmen of the specialized boarding school establishments of sport profile (higher schools of physical culture, higher schools of Olympic reserve and others like that). In an experiment took part a 161 sportsman (141 - Brovary higher school of physical culture, 20 - Donetsk higher school of Olympic reserve) in age 13-16 and 89 students of general educational establishments of Ukraine of the same age, that did not go in for sports. Testing was conducted anonymously. The results of the longitudinal researches carried out by us in 90-th 2000-th and 2010-th are analyzed. The fact of specificity of influence of training of different orientation and motivational factor of teenagers is set on forming of aggressiveness and patriotic feelings. Drawn conclusion: 1. The factor of orientation of training process differently influences on the display of aggressiveness and dynamics of forming and development of patriotism. Yes, the high level of aggressiveness is observed for the representatives of speed-power types of sport (in our case, for boxers) and, accordingly, subzero - for the teenagers of types of sport, that mainly develop quality of endurance (for example, for swimmers). It is set also, that under act of training employments on endurance for certain changes get better in the self-appraisal of sense of patriotism, while for the teenagers of speed-power types of sport of change of the mentioned quality were less expressed. 2. Among other factors that influence on forming of aggressiveness and patriotic feelings for young sportsmen we distinguish the factor of motivated also, that predefined by soldiery events on East of Ukraine, spiritual and moral "alteration" of national world view of the young generation.