В статті викладено методику диференціації навчання плавання студентів спеціальних медичних груп з огляду на характер їх захворювання та принципи безпеки й запобігання непередбачених ситуацій.
The problem of differentiation swimming training of students of special medical group. According to reports received during the pilot study results was developed and tested method of differentiation swimming training of students of special medical groups with different levels of mental and physical condition based on the prevention of unexpected events in the classroom to master the skills of initial ability to swim; scientifically grounded methodology of teaching swimming with modern technology, psychological and pedagogical approaches. A synthesis of the literature on physical training of students of special medical groups possible to find out what the problem solving teaching swimming students, which revealed chronic rejection in health is quite problematic. It should be noted that the improvement of the physical condition of students of special medical groups means swimming, largely disabled if. The analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature, the experience of experts from swimming shows that to meet the challenges of swimming training students with disabilities in health is necessary to introduce modern teaching technologies, creation of complex scientific and methodological support , appropriate conditions for the organization of life safety in teaching swimming conscious raising motivation to lessons on mastering the primary skill float students who have chronic rejection in health. The method voyage differentiation of students of special medical groups depending on the nature of their disease based on respect for the principles of safety and prevention of unforeseen situations in the classroom use of specific different from the conventional. A characteristic feature of this technique - flexibility of its construction in view of the nature of diseases students. One of the important indicators of the effectiveness of differentiated criteria is positive dynamics techniques (according to medical examination) reduce the incidence of students of special medical groups. Mastering swimming skills promoted sustainable approach to preventing and avoiding dangerous situations in the swimming initial training of students of special medical groups. Prospects for further research. Development of techniques differentiation of students swimming in special medical groups zahvoryuvannyah different etiologies.