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In the article the competitive activity in gymnastics as a factor that creates extraordinary emotional and volitional states and leads to mental stress. Found that sports competition helps identify potential mental personality and true methods psyhorehulyatsiyi selected athlete will boost volitional stress manifestations maximum motor characteristics athlete conscious control of motor actions and arbitrary control their emotional state. Identify methods psyhorehulyatsiyi: heterorehulyatsiyni and autorehulyatsiyni. Heterorehulyatsiyi methods include methods of verbal suggestion, which are divided into the conversation, persuasion, ordered and rational suggestion. Established that a form of verbal influence in the work of a coach is suggestion. The methods of autoregulation include: emotional selfregulation, which provides a general mobilization of all body systems; volitional regulation, which provides regulation activity. Also these techniques include breathing exercises that promote equalization of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex, increased reflex connections that positively affect the function of neuro-regulatory mechanisms and achieve the best results in competitions.