У статті узагальнено сучасний досвід вивчення функціональних можливостей організму студентів спортсменів в процесі адаптації їх до силових навантажень. Надані рекомендації щодо застосування силових навантажень у тренувальному процесі в залежності від функціональних можливостей організму студентів спортсменів.
The article summarizes the current experience of studying the functional capacity of the organism student athletes in the process of adapting them to power loads. Intense training activities makes high demands on the physical condition of student athletes. Modern student sports are sports the highest a chievements and unique arena of research the adaptive and functional features of the athletes’ students’ organism. Under the influence of regular physical activity in the organism of students athletes are processes of formation a new program response, which increases its potential adaptation to physical stress. A functional system responsible for adaptation to physical activity includes afferent link as receptors, regulatory link at different levels and effective link - skeletal muscle, cardiorespiratory system. This indicates that the basis of adaptation to the power load is constant interaction adaptive and homeostatic regulatory mechanisms that transfer student body athletes to the next level of functioning. For practice training programs provided recommendations on how to use power loads, depending on the functionality of the athletes’ students’ organism and analyzed the physiological mechanisms of urgent and long-term adaptation.