У статті здійснено ґрунтовний аналіз стану підготовки фахівців зі спорту та фізичної культури в зарубіжних країнах. Запропонований аналіз відбиває підготовку в регіонах, які є генераторами інтеграційних процесів у світовому освітньому просторі. Автором визначено, що ключовими параметрами для забезпечення конкурентоспроможності будь-якої країни є: високий рівень розвитку національних систем освіти, освоєння нового і передового досвіду, отриманого в процесі співробітництва із зарубіжними країнами, забезпечення якості послуг на внутрішньому та зовнішньому ринках освітніх послуг, наявність якісної освітньої і дослідницької інфраструктури, розвиток стратегічних партнерств в різних видах, розвиток мобільності тощо.
The aim of the article is to clarify the features of preparation of specialists in sports in foreign countries. The need for a comprehensive analysis of this problem is the absence in the literature of system research of the peculiarities of professional training of future trainers and in foreign countries. The author notes that there is almost no scientific information on the content and structure of professional training of future trainers that is necessary in light of the formation of a single European educational space. The article presents a thorough analysis of the state of training in sport and physical culture in foreign countries. The proposed analysis reflects training in the regions, which are the generators of the integration processes in the global educational space. In the world distinguish types of regions on the basis of mutual convergence and interaction between educational systems. The first type is formed by regions, which are the generators of the integration processes. The second type consists of regions that positively responds to the integration processes. The third type are the regions which are inert for the integration of educational processes. The author determined that the key parameters to ensure the competitiveness of any country are: high level of development of national education systems, the development of new and best practices gained in the process of cooperation with foreign countries, ensure quality of services to internal and external markets of educational services, the availability of quality educational and research infrastructure, development of strategic partnerships in various forms, and the development of mobility etc. National strategic documents based on these provisions, have a good chance to strengthen the country's export potential and to achieve high level of success of its activities on the international market of educational services, including sports. The prospect of further research we see in the study of the learning experience sports frames in the third type regions, which are inert for the integration of educational processes.