The article explores options for the reform of high school discipline «Physical education» according to the traditional body-oriented strategy and the strategy that promotes the generation of sports activity. In the early 1990s two strategies were formed for improving physical education of students. These strategies were based on the use of the different approaches and methods and also on teaching techniques. One of them we reasonably consider as «traditional» first in time occurrence, it is associated with the solving of the problems of body-oriented physical education of students through high personal, creative and innovative activity of physical education teachers, that refers, rather, to the conduct of procedure. These are options of the «new», the latest strategy: 1.Sports-oriented approach to physical education, which is based on the idea that sport has its own value. 2.Environment-oriented approach is based on that part of the pedagogical principles, which tell that the physical environment influences a man not less, and often morethan verbal educational approach (conversation, persuasion, etc.). Regarding physical education environment-oriented approach means the creation of infrastructure and way of life, including the life of teachers who guide young people to the development of physical culture values. 3.Person-oriented approach. Its role of education is in pedagogical influences that are directed to the development of the individual of a student. By exercising of physical characteristics and motor skills, a teacher should not lose the theme of development of personal characteristics. This means that is not enough to be oriented ononly formation of the individual of students with specific, predetermined mental and physical characteristics, but mainly, the student-centered approach is based most of all on their own abilities, aptitudes and preferences of a growing personality. The advantages of the student-centered approach were written.
У статті досліджені варіанти реформи вузівської дисципліни «Фізичне виховання» згідно традиційної тілесноорієнтованої стратегії, а також варіантів стратегії щодо сприяння породженню фізкультурної діяльності. Визначені переваги особистісне орієнтованого підходу.