The article presents the results of research to enhance mental capacity of students by means of physical culture. There are a lot of factors affecting students’ organisms: features of modern living conditions, the rapid development of technological progress, the upgrading of educational and work processes, the rapid growth of scope of information, preferring playing computer games instead of doing physical exercises and bad habits as opposed to healthy lifestyles, environmental problems environment etc. An intellectualization, an intensification, an automation, an information and computerization of production processes; a significant increase of physiological and psychological stressors in a life and professional work; the objective need of continuation of professional capacity and a significant increase of extreme components in professional activity determine constantly growing psycho-physical requirements for professionals. The importance of the organization of work are increasing under such conditions, in order to ensure a high mental performance of students and to maintain their health. Many scientific literary works examined the health of students from the point of somatic components of their disease. A research of an increase of neuropsychiatric diseases, which were caused by an intellectual overload, are of significant interest. The health of students is an essential prerequisite of their comprehensive and harmonious development, of their active life, successful learning, effective future work, personal wealth, family happiness and, the most significantly, the surest guarantee of the intellectual future of Ukraine.
У статті наводяться результати досліджень, щодо підвищення розумової працездатності студентів засобами фізичної культури. Особливості сучасних умов життя, стрімкий розвиток технічного прогресу, модернізація навчальних і трудових процесів, різке зростання обсягів інформації, надання переваги багатогодинним комп’ютерним іграм замість занять фізичними вправами та шкідливим звичкам на противагу здоровому способу життя, проблеми з екологією навколишнього середовища,– це ще далеко не усі чинники, що негативно впливають на організм студентської молоді.