У статті досліджено вплив комплексної програми фізичної реабілітації на рівень тривожності студенток Української академії банківської справи Національного банку України із захворюванням на вегето-судинну дистонію за змішаним типом протягом навчального процесу. Охарактеризовано динаміку змін рівнів тривожності протягом дослідження.
In the article was investigated the impact of a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation on anxiety level of students with the disease of vegetative-vascular dystonia on the mixed type during the learning process. The study was conducted at the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine during September 2011 – May 2014 . The study was conducted at the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine during September 2011 – May 201 . The study involved 40 students who for health reasons attributable to special medical group with the disease of vegetative-vascular dystonia on the mixed type. In the main group of students at the end of the study low trait anxiety was in 15% of students; moderate level increased in 40% of persons at the expense lowering high level to 55% and situational anxiety of low levels increased by 60% due to the reduction of moderate level to 10%. This figure of a comparison group students has such changed at the end of the research: the situational anxiety of low level has increased by 15%, and a moderate level of personal anxiety has increased by 30%. The balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments of the autonomic nervous system by the vegetative index of Kerdo observed in 10% of students core group, at the 65% of students predominated the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, at the 25% – sympathetic department. In the comparison group students balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic departments of the autonomic nervous system was observed in 15%, the tone of sympathetic autonomic nervous system prevailed in 35% parasympathetic department – in 50%. As a result of a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation, the students of main group become more confident, has decreased threshold of personal and situational anxiety, this allowing us to more effectively implement a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation in educational process. The study led to determined the direction of further research in mandatory introduction means for balancing the processes in autonomic nervous system.