У даній статті актуалізується проблема впливу напруженої м'язової роботи на організм юних спортсменів. За допомогою досліджень представлені відомості про зміни психомоторних функцій юних гандболістів, що відбуваються під впливом тренувального навантаження в процесі навчально-тренувальної діяльності.
The analysis of modern concepts of youth sport showed the necessity of more thorough study not only physiological influence of tensed muscles work on young sportsman organizm, it is important to study the influence of this work on handball player's mentality during training process in order to correct the players' condition in time. Accuracy, intensity and reliability of movements and moving activities' management in handball as well as in other kinds of sport, depend not only on level of development and peculiatiries of psychomotor process functioning but also on the sportsman condition in a particular moment. Psychomotor functions are the base on which the quality and reliability of movements' management is improved. The development of many regulating functions of mentality, including psychomotor function, depends on the dosage of load in training process. The problem of influence of tensed muscles work on young 13-14 years old handball players' organizm under effect of training load in process of the educational and training activity is actualized in the article presented. According to the research results, the data about changes of psychomotor functions happening under training load is presented. It was stated that such parameters as simple reaction, the accuracy of muscles effort and amplitude of movement reproduction are rather stable regarding intensive training. Simple reaction even improved and muscles effort and amplitude of movement reproduction.