The features of adaptation reactions of the cardiovascular system of the boys 6 years during exercise. Attention to this area of research explained the feasibility of finding a differentiated approach to physical education by means of its individualization based on performance properties of nervous processes. Great importance at the problem of adaptation of children to physical activities, especially for younger schoolboys as they further increase the effectiveness of physical performance depends on matching features of the organism and capacity load they carry. Meeting the needs of the organism in increased oxygen during muscular work provided anatomical and functional capacity of the cardiovascular system and mechanisms of its functionality to meet regulation values circulation intensity exercise. Considered variability indices cardiovascular of the boys 6 years course of the exercise of power density of 1 W per kg body weight shows the influence of the properties of nervous processes to the ratio of heart rate, cardiac output, minute volume of blood in different subgroups of children. Revealed that while performing load power density of 1 W per kg of body weight of the boys 6 years were the highest rates of heart rate in the subgroup of children with low levels of functional strength and mobility of nervous processes, and the least – in the subgroup with high levels. The major indexes were minute volume of blood in subgroups of children with high levels of properties of nervous processes, and the least – of the children with average levels. It is shown that when performing exercise power density of 1 W per kg of body weight of the boys 6 years, all the studied parameters cardiovascular system increased, but to varying degrees depending on the properties of nervous processes. To predict the nature of adaptive reactions in the functional system of providing of oxygen necessary to take into account individual performance properties of nervous processes younger schoolboys.
Розглянуті особливості реакцій адаптації серцево-судинної системи в хлопчиків 6 років під час фізичного навантаження. Увага до цього напрямку досліджень пояснюється пошуком можливостей реалізації диференційованого підходу до фізичного виховання шляхом його індивідуалізації на основі показників властивостей нервових процесів.