У статті зроблено огляд науково–методичного доробку вітчизняних та зарубіжних фахівців з питань методики оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів основної школи на уроках фізичної культури, проаналізовано стан та сучасні підходи до застосування контролю та оцінювання успішності учнів у процесі занять футболом, обґрунтована доцільність розробки нової методики оцінювання успішності учнів середніх класів з використанням інформаційно– комунікаційних технологій, визначено критерії оцінки навчальних досягнень учнів з урахуванням віку, статі, стану здоров’я, мотивації, морфофункціонального й психічного розвитку дитячого організму.
There has been made an observationof scientifically-methodical achievements of Ukrainian and foreign specialists in the sphere of methodology of assessing school progress of the basic school students in physical education classes; there has been analyzed the state and modern approaches to the use of control and assessment of the students in the process of football studies; there has been motivated expediency of elaboration of new technique of assessing middle class students` progress by using information-communicative techniques; there have been determined the criteria of assessing students` school progress taking into consideration age, sex, health, motivation, morphofunctional and psychological intellectual power of a child`s constitution. The accent has been made on new approaches, forms and content of control and assessment in the context of personally-oriented paradigm of education, on active implementation of the rating system of assessment in physical education classes in the process of football studies, as well as the composite testing control technique of the level of students` progress, accepted diagnostic methods, differential and individual approach to their physical training, the level of students` physical qualities in football studies. It has been pointed to the importance of using various systems of adding bonus points, the approach to the control and assessment of students concerning age physiology, taking into consideration different levels of students` physical health and physical degree of training. There has been disclosed the importance of using modern computer technologies, the didactic material, modern teaching techniques, computerized control of the school-educational process for the purpose of objective assessment of the students. The effective computing curricula and automatic systems of assessing the level of the students` physical health and physical training have been characterized. The principal functions, principles, methods, types, means, criteria of the pedagogical control of assessment in physical education classes have been determined.