Traumatism occupies one of the first places among the reasons of temporal loss of characteristic capacity and disability. The fracture of radius in a typical place is a characteristic trauma of locomotorium among sportsmen. Researches of the disorders of psycho emotional sphere which occur in reply to any traumatic affection become more and more important in connection with a considerable decline in the quality of life. This problem is of great importance among sportsmen, as far as incomplete renewal of the functional activity and motive functions of extremities can become the reason of stopping of sport activity and yet stronger psycho emotional sphere pathology. The task of this research : to learn and analyse methods of therapeutic physical training use with persons that suffered the fracture of the distal radius. To conduct complex neuropsychiatric studies for sportsmen who suffered psycho emotional sphere pathology. To work out the method of correction of the functional state and motive functions for sportsmen who suffered the fracture of the distal radius accompanied by psycho emotional sphere pathology. To assess the efficiency of the offered method of improving health. In the article modern methods of functional correсtion of the fracture of the distal radius accompanied by psycho emotional sphere pathology are analysed. The principles and the policy of functional correсtion applying therapeutic physical training for the 13 sportsmеn suffering from the fracture of the distal radius accompanied by psycho emotional sphere pathology are explained. Instrumental aa well as clinical-and-laboratory research evaluation confirmed the advantage of the new techniques employment owing to the impact on the general and local regeneration processes.
Проведено аналіз сучасних методів корекції функціонального стану і рухових функцій організму спортсменів, що перенесли перелом променевої кістки (ППК). Обгрунтовано необхідність одночасного використання методів аутогенного тренування та ЛФК у спортсменів, що перенесли ППК з появою ознак психоемоційних порушень (ПЕП). Оцінка клініко-лабораторних та інструментальних даних у 13 спортсменів з ППК підтвердила перевагу комплексного методу корекції у відновленні функціонального стану і рухових функцій, ліквідації ПЕП.