Проанализировано применение методов психологической подготовки в спортивной деятельности. Определены основные направления психологического воздействия, в зависимости от специфики вида спорта. Сформулированы перспективные направления психологической подготовки спортсменов в олимпийском спорте с целью повышения эффективности ее реализации.
Проаналізовано застосування методів психологічної підготовки у спортивній діяльності. Визначені основні напрямки психологічного впливу, в залежності від специфіки виду спорту. Сформульовані перспективні напрямки психологічної підготовки спортсменів в олімпійському спорті з метою підвищення ефективності її реалізації.
Analyzed of application of the methods of psychological preparation in sport activities. Defined the basic directions of psychological impact, depending on the specifics of the sport. Formulated the perspective directions of the psychological preparation of athletes in Olympic sport to improve the effectiveness of its implementation. The study of the scientific literature and best practices shows that the priority directions of the psychological preparation of athletes in Olympic sport include: psychological diagnostics of mental cognitive processes, personality traits and emotional states of the athlete and complex psychocorrection programs, which includes learning and developing training programs, the formation of long-term motivation, as well as psychotherapeutic techniques for the development or modification of certain mental skills due to the requirements of a particular sport, correction of emotional and volitional sphere, rehabilitation services, counseling, and others. In addition, psychological correction as part of the psychological preparation of the athlete helps to increase the level of psychic self-regulation, based on the elements of autogenously training form the subconscious installation to for achievement succeed, to work the phobic tendencies, physiological clips, that arising from psychosomatic disorders, implement the psychological control at all stages of preparation. Psychological training, starting from the stage of selection, It occupies an important place in process of planning and setting of short-term and long-term goals, simulating the conditions of competitive activity, speeding up recovery.