В статті визначені чинники, що оптимізують підготовку студентів-спортсменів при заняттях силовими вправами. Серед них основне місце займають різні засоби і методи відновлення та підвищення спортивної працездатності.
В статье определенные факторы, которые оптимизируют подготовку студентов-спортсменов при занятиях силовыми упражнениями. Среди них основное место занимают разные средства и методы возобновления и повышения спортивной работоспособности.
In the article there are certain factors that optimize preparation of students-sportsmen at engaging in power exercises. Among them a basic place is occupied by different facilities and methods of renewal and increase of sport capacity. The modern system of preparation of sportsmen all the time develops and improves. The major condition of creation and mastering of new theoretical and methodical values of sport culture are integration of different areas of scientifically-sport knowledge and technological innovations in single scientifically-technological space of development and successive realization of individual strategies and tactician of long-term sport preparation, that is hardly orientated on effective and no conflicting actualization of potential possibilities of sportsman and minimization of pedagogical errors at determination of the modes of the training loading and proceeding in his capacity. It is thus necessary to provide comfortable and quality informative and analytical maintenance of training and restoration process during the long-term and short-term specialized sport preparation.