Розглядаються особливості соціально-педагогічної роботи серед сільських підлітків з девіантною поведінкою. Висвітлюється сутність, зміст і види їх девіантної поведінки, з’ясовуються чинники, що її зумовлюють. Подаються отримані результати експериментального дослідження з визначення типів девіантної поведінки підлітків сільської школи.
Рассматриваются особенности социально-педагогической работы среди сельских подростков с девиантным поведением. Освещается сущность, содержание и виды девиантного поведения, выясняются факторы, что их предопределяют. Предоставляются полученные результаты экспериментального исследования по определению типов девиантного поведения подростков девиантного поведения сельской школы.
Modern society development period requires immediate solutions of important problems of social and educational work with teenagers, who demonstrate signs of deviant behavior, creation of psycho-pedagogical conditions for their adaptation into society. The importance of this study is associated with a significant strengthening of social processes in society among young people and adolescents. This should cause great concern in public administration and encourage radical decisions. The deterioration of the social situation leads to an increasing number of adolescents, who’s living in extremely difficult social conditions. Among the total population of Ukraine are there are 14 millions of adolescents. 3.4 million of them are from low-income families, teenagers with problems of physical or mental development and adolescents with deviant behavior. Therefore, finding ways to solve this problem is an urgent task. People acquire deviant behavior during socialization which takes place in an environment that promotes such behavior (aggression, immorality, violence). Obviously, the behavior of rejection is one of the manifestations of social exclusion - disruption of the individual active adaptation to the conditions of the social environment by means of interaction and communication of false or insufficiently developed human understanding of themselves and their social relations and interpersonal contacts. Analyzing the phenomenon of deviant behavior, consider it appropriate to emphasize that it belongs to this class of phenomena that can be studied only by joint efforts of scientists - representatives of many sciences: pedagogy, psychology, law, medicine, sociology and others; which in total create specialized knowledge industry - deviantology. The subject of its research is all forms of social pathology, crime, delinquency, alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide and more. But minor deviations are investigated primarily by pedagogy (general, age, social rehabilitation).