Відомо, що існує теоретично обґрунтований комплекс дій для захисту від ударів холодною зброєю і подальшим обеззброєнням злочинця. У поданій статті висвітлені технічні та теоретичні аспекти способів захисту із застосуванням холодної зброї, які спрямовані на удосконалення теоретичних знань, спеціальної підготовки, практичних навичок працівників органів внутрішніх справ для використання матеріалу в процесі виконання службових обов'язків.
Теоретически обоснован комплекс действий при защите от ударов холодным оружием и последующим обеззаруживанием преступника. В статье изложены технические и теоретические аспекты способов защиты с применением холодного оружия, которые направлены на усовершенствование теоретических знаний, специальной подготовки, практических навыков работников органов внутренних дел, с целью использования материала в процессе выполнения служебных обязанностей.
In article data of technical and theoretical aspects of ways of protection with application of a cold steel which are directed on improvement of the theoretical knowledge, special preparation, practical skills, for the purpose of application for successful performance of official duties by workers of internal affairs are stated. The problem of ensuring the personal safety of employees of internal affairs at the decision of their professional tasks, or in other situations related to professional activities got under special attention. Knowledge of the techniques and tactics of attacking melee weapon (a knife), and mastering them greatly helps the employee of internal affairs bodies successfully lead the fight with the enemy, to correctly assess his intentions, sensitive places of his actions, to feel a real threat to count their steps to his disarming, use effective protective actions. The aim of the article is an exposition of the theoretical and practical fighting techniques that are used during the arrest of criminals with knives. The complex of actions for protection against knife wounds and further disarm, the offender consists of several interconnected elements: psychological actions, as well as protection by moving, reflections and supports various combinations to blows, painful holds and throws. Keep in mind that pre-listed elements are inextricably linked and one second movement continues. All methods disarm should take no more than 1,5–2 seconds. When protection from strikes and cold steel, followed by disarms of the criminal, the combination of movement and strikes. Thus, the efficiency of the complex action of blows cold weapons and disarm the offender depends on the training of law enforcement officers for the use of the technical and tactical methods of protection, type of attack, practical skills, personal physical and psychological preparation.