Мета – удосконалення системи підготовки кваліфікованих кікбоксерів індивідуальних стилів ведення бою.
Індивідуалізація тренувального процесу з використанням модельних характеристик спеціальної фізичної підготовки
кваліфікованих кікбоксерів.
Goal - improvement training of skilled kickboxers individual styles of fighting. Personalization of the training process using
model features special for physical training of skilled kickboxers. In this study, using techniques and specialized stroke
hronodynamometriyi First Aid "Spuderh 10" indicators we studied kreatynfosfatnoyi efficiency "test with 8 seconds " and indicator
Specialized speed endurance test "40 seconds" skilled kickboxers. The study was conducted during the 2014-2015 biennium. At
the sports club "Fayster" featuring qualified kickboxers team of Ukraine in the amount of 20 athletes. Of these, 8 - "Points Fighters"
- 7 "Continuous Fighters" and 5 - "Knock out Fighters" The average age of athletes - 20.5 years. The study conducted by us
concerns the definition of the existing special kreatynfosfatnoyi performance of athletes. This test is an 8-second job on wrenches
projectile with the guidelines for implementation of the most frequent and most severe shocks. In conducting these tests we used only punches and kicks. Also, the study determined speed endurance kickboxers to identify glycolytic anaerobic performance of
athletes. This test is a 40-second job on wrenches projectile with the guidelines pursuant most frequent strikes. In conducting
these tests we used only the punches. In the subsequent calculations are taken into account only the best indicators attempt. The
system provides individualized training kickboxer training process taking into account the special physical characteristics of
kickboxers individual styles of fighting. The presented model characteristics is the "step" towards individualization of training skilled
kickboxers. Analysis of experimental and theoretical studies found that the structure of special physical preparation kickboxers
depends on many components, such as tactical role kickboxers, skills, preparation stage.