Проаналізовано науково - методична література з даного питання. Сучасна концепція оптимізації організації фізичного виховання у вищих навчальних закладах передбачає широку роз'яснювальну роботу серед молоді.
At state papers of the recent years about a development of physical culture it is noted that this culture to be considered as essential sort of society culture as well as a means of bringing up all – round developed person of a specialist. An orientation to increasing level of forming physical culture becomes deeper contradictions between objective needs of developing physical culture with orientation to new social and pedagogical paradigm of preparation of specialists and real state of physical culture development at the process of physical bringing up of students. At the law of Ukraine “About physical culture and sport” it is noted that “ basic tasks of physical culture and sport are constant increasing level of health, physical and mental development of a population; promoting to economic and social progress of society as well as confirmation of international authority of Ukraine at world partnership”. But a situation with a level of health and physical development is not good. School normatives which are very necessary for control of development of physical qualities of a student are decreased. A volume of educational load has an important role; recently this load increases greatly that leads to hypodynamy and this at it’s turn leads to various deseases (G. Apanasenko, A. Dubogay, T. Kruzevich etcetera). That is why at present the one of the main tasks is not to decrease indicators of a development of physical qualities and a present level of student’s health; for this we can use various possibilities such as interesting youth new kinds of sport; stimulation grants; conducting talks about healthy mode of life; conducting numerous quantity of youth and family competitions or simply doing more accessible sport equipment as well as sports children’s grounds.