An adaptation of football players to the training and competitive activities during the macrocycle is investigated. The purpose of the research is to investigate the impact of physical activity on the adaptive capacity of student team football players at the stages of macrocycle. The study involved 18 students of the university football team. After timekeeping and monitoring the training process and competitive activity was found the ratio of physical activity. The preparatory period consisted of physical (40,14%), technical and tactical (47,52%), game (12,34%) preparation. The competitive period consisted of physical (23,58%), technical and tactical (48,60%), game (10,17%) preparation and competitive activity (17,65%). We did the functional diagnostics at the start and at the end of preparatory period and at the competitive period to determine the adaptive capacity of football players. A significant improvement of functional preparedness indicators of football players during the preparatory period was found. The stabilization or insignificant improvement of functional preparedness indicators of football players during the competitive period is observed. Overall, positive dynamics of all functional preparedness and physical development indicators of football players during the macrocycle was found. In particular, statistically significant (р<0,01) increased the lung vital capacity by an average of 188,89 ml (4,24 %) and the life index – of 3,01 ml/kg (4,92 %). The heart rate and the respiratory rate at rest decreased by an average of 1,33 beats/min (2,03 %) and 0,61 times/min (4,38 %) respectively. The results suggest about the rational construction of training process of student team football players during the macrocycle.
Вивчається адаптація футболістів до фізичних навантажень впродовж макроциклу. Зміст підготовчого періоду склали фізична (40,14 %), техніко-тактична (47,52 %) та ігрова (12,34 %) підготовка. У змагальному періоді частка фізичної підготовки становила 23,58 %, техніко-тактичної – 48,60 %, ігрової підготовки і змагальної діяльності 10,17 % і 17,65 % відповідно. Виявлено (р<0,01) збільшення життєвої ємності легень на 188,89 мл (4,24 %) і життєвого індексу на 3,01 мл/кг (4,92 %), зменшення частоти серцевих скорочень у спокої на 1,33 уд/хв (2,03 %) і частоти дихання у спокої на 0,61 рази/хв (4,38 %).