У статті висвітлюються особливості формування валеологічної компетентності студентів технічних вишів України у процесі професійно-прикладної фізичної підготовки та в позааудиторній діяльності. Розглядається специфіка цього процесу, спрямованого на майбутніх фахівців технічних напрямів підготовки. Розкриваються нормативні засади організації навчального процесу з фізичного виховання в руслі новел освітнього законодавства.
In the article features of formation valeological competence of students of technical universities in the Ukraine professionally-applied physical training and extracurricular activities. Valeological competence of students of technical universities seen as a vital component of their competence, one of the possible ways of formation of which is a professionally applied physical training of future specialists of technical training areas. The study examines the specifics of the process aimed at future professionals of technical training areas. It is noted that the fact of paying attention to such an important part in the lives of students appears to be positive in line with the general deterioration of the health problems of the nation, increasing incidence of young people. As future professionals of technical professions insufficient attention to exercise, despite the great intellectual and mental load plans, insist on mandatory inclusion in the curricula of students of technical training areas of physical education classes that promote formation needs to be healthy, set an example to others. Disclosed regulatory framework of educational process on physical education in mainstream educational stories legislation. It is concluded that the formation valeological competence of youth in modern Ukraine seems to be one of the key problems the solution of which is possible only through understanding of all subjects need to support the educational process of physical education students in any form. This process will be effective for the conditions of professional-applied physical preparation and expansion of educational activity outside recreational, wellness areas.