У статті охарактеризовано основні напрями наукової діяльності майбутніх фахівців з фізичної терапії у окремих країнах Європи; проаналізовано різноманітність та специфіку науково-дослідних програм, які виконуються у вищих навчальних закладах деяких країн Європейського регіону, у яких здійснюється підготовка майбутніх фахівців з фізіотерапії (фізичної реабілітації).
In the article it is characterized the main courses of scientific activity of future specialists in physical therapy in certain countries of Europe that may serve for needs in development of the national educational traditions in preparation of future specialists in physical rehabilitation and realization of common scientific projects in this scope. It is established that physical therapy in modern international understanding is a profession of the field of health protection (according to the World Confederation of Physical Therapy), the content of the Ukrainian notion of «physical rehabilitologist» correspond with the international notion of «physiotherapist». Scientific-research programs which are applied at higher educational establishments of the Great Britain are coordinated by the world known Center of scientific studies in the sphere of health, sport and rehabilitation, and embrace various spheres of health care and social sphere, in particular: children and family well-being, human moves analysis, rehabilitation after chronic diseases. Higher educational establishments where it is performed preparation of future specialists in physiotherapy, cooperate with the World Health Organization and the European Union and conduct scientific studies in such spheres as: physical activity, connected with health and curative physical culture; functional analysis of locomotor apparatus. The key spheres of scientific-technical studies at high schools for kinesitherapeutist geriatrics, sport. In Belgium bachelors and masters in physiotherapy in the process of undergoing of the educational program conduct scientific studies in the following spheres of specialization: locomotor apparatus, children age, elderly age, internal diseases. The main orientations of scientific activity in the sphere of physiotherapy in Poland are ageing and health, children disability and musculoskeletal physiotherapy.in France are in the scope of rehabilitation in traumatology and orthopedics, neurology, rheumatology, in case of cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, kinesitherapy in medicine and geriatrics, sport. In Belgium bachelors and masters in physiotherapy in the process of undergoing of the educational program conduct scientific studies in the following spheres of specialization: locomotor apparatus, children age, elderly age, internal diseases. The main orientations of scientific activity in the sphere of physiotherapy in Poland are ageing and health, children disability and musculoskeletal physiotherapy.