В статті розглянуто особливості зміни дихального об’єму в хлопчиків 6 років під час фізичного навантаження. Увага до цього напрямку досліджень пояснюється пошуком можливостей реалізації диференційованого підходу до фізичного виховання шляхом його індивідуалізації на основі показників властивостей нервових процесів.
В статье рассмотрены особенности изменения дыхательного объема у мальчиков 6 лет во время физической нагрузки. Внимание к этому направлению исследований объясняется поиском возможности реализации дифференцированного подхода к физическому воспитанию путём его индивидуализации на основе показателей свойств нервных процессов.
This article says about peculiarities of change of a respiration rate at boys of 6 years are considered at an physical activity. The attention to this direction of researches speaks search of possibility of realization of the differentiated approach in physical training by its individualization on the basis of indicators of properties of the nervous processes. Providing optimal physical and mental development of each child is an actual need for today, so take account of individual performance properties the nervous processes have a positive impact on the effectiveness of physical education. However, in the modern literature found not definite opinion about consideration of complex the individual characteristics and leading criteria of differentiation studies, which should be taken into account in the implementation of individual approach in teaching motor actions. The task of the research was to identify the particular changes in indicators respiratory volume in boys 6 years with different levels of functional mobility and strength of the nervous processes during their physical loading relative power of 1,5 Watt/kg. The distribution of children into subgroups by level of functional mobility and strength the nervous processes allow to reveal peculiarities of adaptive reactions respiratory volume on exercise. The first, second and third minutes of at runtime physical exertion of 1,5 Watt/kg ratio between the indicators to the subgroup of children with different levels of properties the nervous processes changed. Dynamics of indicators tidal volume on the first, second and third minutes physical exertion performance capacity of 1,5 Watt/kg in subgroups of children with high, medium and low levels of functional mobility and strength of the nervous processes had in different directions nature. Three minutes of exercise performance capacity of 1,5 Watt/kg for all children 6 years within each subgroup with high, medium and low levels of properties of nervous processes figure to changing differently: in a subgroup of children with high levels of functional mobility and strength of the nervous processes absolute figure to differ statistically significant; in subgroups of children with average levels – statistically significant figure to grow from the first minute of the second and stabilized in the third minute; in a subgroup of children with low levels of functional mobility and strength of the nervous processes from the first minute of exercise performance capacity of 1,5 Watt/kg to the second –significantly increased, and from the second to the third – were reduced significantly (p <0,001).