В статті здійснено констатувальний зріз знань викладачів фізичного виховання стосовно засобів української народної фізичної культури. Основну увагу приділено з’ясуванню місця засобів української народної фізичної культури у фізичному вихованні студентської молоді. Подаються результати анкетування викладачів фізичного виховання.
В статье осуществлен констатирующий срез знаний преподавателей физического воспитания в отношении средств украинской народной физической культуры. Основное внимание уделено выяснению места средств украинской народной физической культуры в воспитании студенческой молодежи. Представлены результаты анкетирования преподавателей физического воспитания.
The article presents the summative examinations of teacher’s of physical education knowledges to the means of Ukrainian folk physical culture. The main attention is paid to the study of the traditions of physical education, to ascertain the place of the Ukrainian national physical education in physical upbringing of student youth. Presents the results of the survey of teachers of physical education. The actual problem is the study of features of functioning of funds of the Ukrainian people's physical culture in the life of youth, that will contribute to a better understanding of the causes of appearance and the characteristics of the formation of different physical exercises, their connection with traditional folk rituals and customs. And this, in its turn, will allow you to see their pedagogical value, and consequently, and the ability of current modern practice in physical educational of students youth. For the effective funding of Ukrainian folk physical culture (FUFPC) in physical education of students youth, must, first of all , to study and analyse the existing experience of specialists on the implementation of these physical exercises in the educational process of higher education institutions. To this purpose we developed and distributed a questionnaire for teachers of physical education. Among the respondents who filled out the questionnaire, was 21-teachers, 36- senior teachers, 18- associate professors and 3 professors. 12 of them have a scientific degree of candidate of sciences, and the other - higher education. The analysis of the questionnaires showed, that the level of knowledge of specialists in a less degree connected with their education or job title and to a greater degree with work experience. Therefore, considering the answers to the questionnaire, the group of specialists was carried out exactly according to this criterion. Almost half of the respondents showed “unsatisf Ukrainian folk physical culture (FUFPC)actory” the level of knowledge about the possibility of using FUFPC in working with students. This level of awareness specialists cannot be considered as unsatisfactory. This situation requires intensified research of FUFPC and disseminate the results among specialists.