Ефективне впровадження основ здорового способу життя у родинах учнів підліткового віку можливе тільки при взаємодії сім’ї та школи. Фізичне виховання є головною складовою здорового спсобу життя у родині підлітка. На основі диференційованого підходу було впроваджено різні форми, методи і засоби засвоєння знань з фізичного виховання батьками учнів підліткового віку.
Эффективное внедрение основ здорового образа жизни в семьях учеников подросткового возраста возможно только при взаимодействии семьи и школы. Физическое воспитание является главной составляющей здорового способа жизни в семье подростка. На основе дифференцированного подхода были внедрены различные формы, методы и средства усвоения знаний по физическому воспитанию родителями учащихся подросткового возраста.
The effective introducing of base of the healthy lifestyle of modern teenagers can be only with the help of parents and school. The aim of the work is to determine the types of the modern families (sporting, common, unsporting), to introduce forms, methods and means of mutual actions of school and family into the pedagogical experiment. All this should be done to enrich parents’ knowledge in physical education and sticking to a healthy lifestyle of teenagers. Sporting families were involved into different types of collaboration of school and parents such as the conferences, Sunday school and listening to a lection “Healthy child is a wealthy family”, discussions “Personal greeting”, “Round table”, “the auction of ideas”. Parents from this group shared their experience and gave advice how to turn family onto a healthy lifestyle. As for common families, they were involved into team conversations, consultations, and interviews with different experts in different fields from whom parents have learnt a lot of useful information how to organize healthy lifestyles in their families. If to speak about unsporting families, there was much more hard work, because people weren’t interested in sport education of their children. There was a lot of work of school teachers of Physical training, school nurse, class teacher who held individual conversations and consultations. Only after these forms of cooperation such parents were involved into teamwork concerning physical education. Constant presence of parents who are really worried about their children’s healthy lifestyle raised their knowledge in hygiene and physically health-improving. Parents became more motivated to lead healthy lifestyle thanks to the consultations and other information that they’ve received during this work.