У статті аналізується важливість здорового способу життя як інтегрованого явища та його реалізація у життєдіяльності майбутніх педагогів. На основі констатуючого експерименту розкриваються позитивні та негативні аспекти цього процесу. Наводяться пропозиції респондентів щодо його удосконалення. На основі одержаних дослідницьких результатів представлено узагальнюючі висновки.
В статье анализируется важность здорового образа жизни как интегрированного явления и его реализация в жизнедеятельности будущих педагогов. На основе констатирующего эксперимента раскрываются положительные и отрицательные аспекты этого процесса. Приводятся предложения респондентов в контексте его усовершенствования. На основе полученных исследовательских результатов подано обобщающие выводы.
The importance of healthy style of life as the integrative phenomenon and its realization in the life activities of the future teachers are under analysis in the article. Healthy lifestyle of the people, especially schoolchildren and youth, is an actual problem from theoretical and practical points of view. In the state documents and scientific works it is stressed that in a part of our youth the irresponsible treatment of their health and the non-execution of healthy lifestyle are observed. It is underlined that scientists investigate different aspects of this problem: the notion of “healthy lifestyle”, the means of its formation, the role of physical culture and sport in this process, the improvement of training teachers of physical culture and so on. The healthy lifestyle is analyzed as a complicated, integrative and systematized notion. The notions “health” and “healthy style of life” form its contextual background. The irresponsible treatment of the personal health, optimal moving activity, the absence of bad habits, the following of routine of study, work, rest, rational nourishment etc. are concerned by scientists to the main components of the healthy style of life. The pursued among the students research found out positive and negative characteristic features of execution of healthy lifestyle. The students understand it as an important characteristic feature of their life, but admit non-execution of its rules. The violation of rational nourishment and rest, existence of bad habits, low moving activity etc. are concerned to deflections of healthy lifestyle. In the article it is pointed out that the students determined the main actions which could help to strengthen the execution of healthy lifestyle among them. They pointed out the existence of modern sport complexes, interesting meeting with well-known sportsmen etc.