В статье приводится анализ понятия «качество жизни», его содержание, составляющие, критерии оценки, особенности качества жизни студенческой молодежи.
The article provides an analysis of the concept of " quality of life ", its content, components, evaluation criteria, features of the students quality of life. Currently, there is no single comprehensive definition of " Quality of life ". The concept was introduced in the scientific circulations in the mid 60s of twentieth century in the context of the post-industrial society theory and is now used in many areas of scientific knowledge. Quality of life includes objective and subjective components. We are interested in the subjective aspect- quality of life as complex response of physical, psychological, emotional and social functioning of a person based on his or her subjective perception and evaluation degree of the satisfaction of his or her own conditions and characteristics of life. The aim of the research: To examine selected particularities of quality of life of the student's youth on the basis of their physical and mental components of health. Methods of research: to assess the life quality the specific Russian-language modification of SF-36 questionnaire was used (author - J.E.Ware, 1992). Which was created in order to satisfy the minimum psychometric standards which required for group comparisons. The technique is intended to examine all components of quality of life. Contingent of the research – 80 students of A.S. Pushkin Brest State University of both sexes, different specialties at the age from 19 to 24 years, which were randomly selected. Results and conclusions. Normal indicator of physical (PH) and psychological (MH) components of health is 50 points or more. Points from 0 to 49 points on the physical and mental well-being are considered as low result and does not meet standards. Indicator of psychological well-being has lower results as compared to the physical well-being (18.04 compared to 33.77). High results on indicators are approximately equal (59.6 and 60.85 points). According to the physical component of health, 55.7% of the research subjects show the level of "average and above average", 44.3% - "below average". According to the psychological component of health 37% of the research subjects show the level of "average or above average," and 63% - "below average". The study showed that in terms of physical well-being by the results within and above the norm are prevailing. In terms of psychological well-being the results below normal are prevailing.