У статті окреслено коло методологічних проблем, пов’язаних із викладанням української мови як іноземної; доведено доцільність використання лінгвокультурного підходу в процесі навчання іноземців української мови; обґрунтовано ефективність такого підходу.
The range of issues related to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language were outlined in the article. In particular, the attention was paid to the need to develop communicative and culturally direction of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. This direction is implemented through the creation of knowledge about the culture within the subject that is studied under the program and a number of skills to operate this knowledge (formation of linguistic and cultural competence). Besides denotative (subject-logical) values linguistics considers the full range of associations that arise in the mind of the speaker in the perception of speech, phraseologism, image, etc. Therefore, it is important to linguodidactic aspect taking into account the basic units of culture (linguistic and cultural linguistic unit) from the lexical to the text level. Using cultural linguistics in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language we introduce foreign students with linguistic units on the background image, similar to that formed in the minds of the Ukrainian people. Also the essence of of linguistic and cultural commentary was revealed in the article; the selection criterias of fragments Ukrainian culture to foreigners study was defined the principles of attracting linguistic and cultural information to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language was formulated.
В статье очерчен круг методологических проблем, связанных с преподаванием украинского языка как иностранного; доказана целесообразность использования лингвокультурного подхода в процессе обучения иностранцев украинскому языку; обосновывается эффективность такого подхода.