У статті розглядається процес формування мотивації студентів до самостійних занять фізичною культурою. Розкривається значимість самостійності оздоровчих занять атлетичною гімнастикою у підвищенні рівня соматичного здоров’я студентів. Запропоновано методику формування мотивації до фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності на прикладі занять атлетичною гімнастикою.
В статье рассматривается процесс формирования мотивации студентов к самостоятельным занятиям физической культурой. Раскрывается значимость самостоятельних оздоровительных занятий атлетической гимнастикой в повышении уровня соматического здоровья студентов. Предложена методика формирования мотивации к физкультурно-спортивной деятельности на примере занятий атлетической гимнастикой.
The article deals with the formation process of student motivation to individual physical education (PE) classes. The analysis of scientific works has shown that the modern organization of PE is not effective enough to improve physical fitness, health and interest of most students to exercise. That fact has become the reason for working out of new scientific ways to develop and improve university students motivation to individual PE activities and sports. We consider motivation as a system of motives that determines specific forms of human activity or behavior. Motivation is the key component for successful activity including physical training. Individual PE classes fill the niche of student’s motor activities as well as help recover more efficiently and increase physical and mental ability to work. In order to improve physical activity and development of students the author proposes the motivating techniques to PE using the example of athletic gymnastics classes. The research has proved that in order to improve student motivation to regular individual PE classes it is necessary to present full information about the means and methods of PE as well as to show social importance of physical training, both for a person and for society as a whole, and that will lead to increasing of student interests to physical training. It is experimentally proved that the successful motivation implementation evokes student’s desire and interest in the individual physical training, as well as promotes positive thoughts of self-determining and confidence. Furthermore it helps overcome or substantially mitigate the stress and tension of everyday life, it also develops self-discipline.