Охарактеризовано ознаки і сутнісні особливості поняття "позакласна ігрова діяльність". Визначено потенційні можливості позакласної ігрової діяльності дітей молодшого шкільного віку в удосконаленні їх фізичної підготовленості. Проаналізовано оптимальні шляхи забезпечення інноваційних підходів до організації ігрової діяльності молодших школярів у поза навчальний час в умовах загальноосвітньої школи.
Охарактеризованы признаки и сущностные особенности понятия "внеклассная игровая деятельность". Определены потенциальные возможности внеклассной игровой деятельности детей младшего школьного возраста в усовершенствовании их физической подготовленности. Проанализированы оптимальные пути обеспечения инновационных подходов к организации игровой деятельности младших школьников во вне учебное время в условиях общеобразовательной школы.
The problems of corporal development of junior schoolboys are considered in the article. Junior school children are in the apartment of school for a long time. They studies in sitting position. It negatively influences on their bodily condition. Intellectual labour tires junior schoolboys. They are in that age-old period, when it is desirable actively to move. In their wild the stopped up necessity constantly to move, to hurry, to jump, played and others like that. Motive activity is the effective mean of fight against gipokineziya and hypodynamia and warns development of deep fatigue of children. Movement also assists to optimal physical development. It is possible successfully to use time out of studies for activation of motive activity. Time before lessons and after lessons, intervals are uses at general school for this purpose. Children do physical exercises to the lessons and during lessons. Junior schoolboys like games mostly. They especially feel like positive emotions, displaying of gladness. Different types of games, in particular with a plot and active, exercises for leisure and merriment are for them the powerful source of bright emotions. It does cooperate for necessities to motive activity in firm reasons of the independent occupations of physical culture. Children do their training exercises with great pleasure. Scientists and practices know this feature and aim to work out the new methods of the use of playing time out of studies. This direction got the appellation "extracurricular playing activity". The feature of this concept is organization of the prolonged playing activity in time out of studies with the purpose of call of permanent interest to the certain types of employments. Actually it is system and systematic extracurricular work with junior schoolboys. It purposefully brings over schoolboys to active motive activity. Junior schoolboys get used to execute physical exercises without the special tension during motive games which are connected by a certain plot. It positively influences on their physical conditioning. Playing activity in out-of-school hours is powerful and not realized mean of physical development of junior schoolboys. Therefore there is a necessity of it detailed study and use in practice of general school.