У статті проаналізовано діяльність молодіжних спортивних організацій Закарпаття міжвоєнного періоду, розкрито їх роль у розвитку ідей здорового способу життя. Акцентовано увагу на значенні спортивних товариств у формуванні санітарно-гігієнічної культури дітей та молоді на Закарпатті в окреслений період. З’ясовано, що ключовими засобами санітарно-гігієнічної освіти у фізкультурно-спортивних товариствах були народні звичаї, обряди, забави, краєзнавство, природа рідного краю.
В статье проанализирована деятельность молодежных спортивных организаций Закарпатья межвоенного периода, раскрыта их роль в развитии идей здорового образа жизни. Акцентировано внимание на значении спортивных обществ в формировании санитарно-гигиенической культуры детей и молодежи на Закарпатье в означенный период. Выяснено, что ключевыми средствами санитарно-гигиенического образования в физкультурно-спортивных обществах были народные обычаи, обряды, игры, краеведение, природа родного края.
The article deals with the activities of youth sports organizations of Transcarpathian region (“Plast”, “Sich”, “Sokil”) of the interwar period, the aim of which was the physical and spiritual development of the individual. It was found that an important part of the contents of education in “Plast” was to develop the hygiene skills of children and young as the key link of a healthy person. In “Plast” the physical activity combined with hardening, care about hardening, care about neatness and cleanliness of body, prevention of bad habits. Educational influence of scouts was manifested in the organization of various festivals and sporting events in which the prominent place was given to mobile games, folk dancing and fun. An important component of sanitary and hygienic education in “Plast” was taking care of diet and organization of leisure activities (hiking journey) of pupils. The role of “Sich” and “Sokil” in the development of ideas of a healthy lifestyle has been defined. Their methodology of physical education was developed using Swedish gymnastics, in which attention was paid to the comprehensive harmonious development of personality, strengthening the body and health. These sports organizations have contributed to the systematic and organized character of physical education in the Carpathian region in the interwar period In sports organizations mentioned above, carried about the physical development of personality, formed skills of healthy lifestyle, fought with alcoholism, smoking, poor sanitary living conditions, promoted physical education and hygiene skills in schools It was found that the key means of sanitary education in Transcarpathian Sports Society were folk customs, ceremonies, entertainment, local history, nature of his native land.