У статті розглядається формування професійно значущих знань, умінь і навичок під час навчально-тренувального процесу, які лежать не тільки в основі успішного оволодіння знаннями, але і в основі професійно – практичної підготовки до майбутньої педагогічної професії, визначено критерії досягнення освітньо-виховних цілей і завдань підготовки майбутнього фахівця.
В статье рассматривается формирование профессионально значимых знаний, умений и навыков во время учебно-тренировочного процесса, которые лежат не только в основе успешного овладения знаниями, но и в основе профессионально - практической подготовки к предстоящей педагогической профессии, определены критерии достижения образовательно-воспитательных целей и задач подготовки будущего специалиста.
The article deals with the formation of professionally relevant knowledge and skills during the training process, which are not only based on the successful mastery of knowledge, but also on professional – practical preparation for future teaching profession, the criteria for achieving educational goals and educational objectives training of future specialists. Modern requirements for training future teachers of physical culture in education informatization. Reveals that in the conditions of modern advanced information technologies in education are new requirements for training future teachers of physical culture. Specified skills expected from a modern teacher of Physical Education. Shows that the use of information technology in the field of physical education optimizes the educational process. We consider the principles of training future teachers of physical education in the new environment. Outlined the current state of training future teachers of physical training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, the basic directions of implementation of pedagogical techniques, including innovative in the process of training. The paper emphasized the need for systematic innovation, new educational technologies, implementing new target instruction, content updates, the latest forms, tools, training methods, introduction of updated technological, scientific and educational materials in the educational process of higher educational institution for training future teachers of physical education.