У статті проаналізовано принципи дидактики вищої школи, обґрунтовані українськими вченими І. Кобиляцьким, І. Рейнгардом, Ф. Науменком у 70-х рр. ХХ ст., саме в той період, коли відбувається оформлення педагогіки вищої школи як науки. З’ясовано, що виокремлення специфічних принципів дидактики вищої школи залежало від виявлених науковцями особливостей і закономірностей навчання у виші.
The article analyses the principles of the higher school didactics that were underpinned by the Ukrainian scholars, namely by I. Kobyliazkyi, I. Reinhard, F. Naumenko, in the 1970s. It happened precisely at the time when the pedagogics of higher school was being formed. It was found that in the mentioned chronological period the scholars came to the conclusion that learning process in high school is not identical to learning process in secondary school. They also concluded that automatic transferring of the regulations of secondary school didactics into the didactics of higher school (in other words adjusting of the principles of secondary school didactics to learning conditions in high school) is not correct. It was established that singling out the specific principles of the higher school didactics depended on the peculiarities and regularities of learning in high school that were revealed by the scholars.