В статті окреслено актуальні питання гігієни праці та створення безпечних умов діяльності в галузі фізичної культури та спорту (на прикладі проблематики охорони праці у Львівській області).
В статье проанализировано актуальные вопросы гигиены труда и создания безопасных условий деятельности в сфере физической культуры и спорта (на примере проблематики охраны труда во Львовской области).
The topical issues of labor hygiene and creating safe working conditions in the field of physical culture and sport are analyzed by the example of problems of job safety issues in Lviv region. The issue of job safety, providing safe and friendly working environment, reducing the number of accidents at work and occupational diseases remain problematic in Ukraine, including the field of physical culture and sport. At the same time, there is no corresponding structures or responsible persons, involved in the safety of people which are engaged in physical culture or sport activities at the sectorial level, as well as cooperation with safety authorities; there is lack of scientific advice and relevant training system for professional training at higher educational institutions.