The article provides new data related to the methodology of purposeful control over the choreographic preparedness of athletes in technical aesthetic sports. It is established that one of the important aspects of the scientific and methodical direction, which requires analysis and study, is the formation of a system of choreographic training, based on the technology of control of choreographic preparedness at various stages of preparation of athletes. Insufficient study of this problem, which manifests itself in the practice of spontaneous construction of the process of choreographic training, led to the fact that this type of specialized activity became inadequate in terms of conditions and development of techno-aesthetic sports. The implementation of choreographic training tasks from the point of view of the system approach is based on the transition from fragmentary ideas about the individual components of the control system to the integrative examination of the control over the choreographic preparation and athlete's preparedness as an integral, continuous multi-year and all-year process, the certain components of which are inextricably linked and interdependent. At the same time control is carried out both in relation to the system of directed influences, both in relation to the object and effect of influences. The directions of optimization of the multi-year choreographic preparation process, based on the control of factors, object and effect of influences, are determined. a comparative study of the dynamics of indicators of influences and dynamics of indicators of "answers" on them; the dynamics of the parameters of the projected (predicted, planned, programmable) state of the control object and parameters of its actual state.
У статті отримано нові дані, пов’язані з методологією цілеспрямованого контролю за хореографічною підготовленістю спортсменів у техніко-естетичних видах спорту. Визначено напрями оптимізації процесу хореографічної підготовки, що засновані на контролі за факторами, об'єктом і ефектом впливів; порівняльному вивченні динаміки показників впливів і динаміки показників «відповідей» на них; динаміки параметрів проектованого (прогнозованого, планованого, програмованого) стану об'єкта управління і параметрів його фактичного стану.