В статье восстановлен социально-исторический контекст, который предшествовал созданию концепции непрофессионального физкультурного образования. Показана важность его использования для совершенствования физического воспитания, разработки системы педагогических технологий для студентов группы специальностей инженерного типа.
У статті відновлений соціально-історичний контекст, який передував створенню концепції непрофесійної фізкультурної освіти. Показано важливість її використання для вдосконалення фізичного виховання, розробки системи педагогічних технологій для студентів групи спеціальностей інженерного типу.
Article restored socio-historical context that preceded the creation of the concept of nonprofessional sports education. The importance of using it to improve physical education, development of educational technologies for students of engineering specialties group type. Specificity of knowledge engineering is that objects and phenomena are not seen as such, are not dependent on a man, but are in close connection with the engineering activities. Therefore, all technical devices and processes discussed in this knowledge is not as natural as well as natural and artificial. As education is drawn in the future, in the preparation of the engineering staff universities should be guided not only by existing professional requirements, but also the possible situations that they meet in the future. It is important to consider, including providing students competence in maintaining a healthy state, which is also natural-artificial. Following the principle of "cultivating new abilities", the teacher does not seek to change the status of the student, if it does not fit through the beat with the theme of health situation in the zone of proximal development, when it is not accepted disciple. Physical education teachers in the process of non-professional sports education only creates the conditions for party games he noticed "defect" in relation to his own health, he raised the need to change their psychophysical condition, he would like this, searching for the transition to a new state of well-being, he built his trajectory changes. Improving physical training of students of engineering professions type, it is important to maintain an educational teaching technologies that should be included in the system of teaching and learning technologies of discipline "Physical Education", created by professionals for future professions of engineering type.