У статті представленні чинники що впливають на рівень залучення студентської молоді до оздоровчо – рекреаційних занять на фізкультурно – оздоровчих заняттях які полягають у регулярному використанні студентами доступних видів організованої оздоровчо – рекреаційної рухової активності середньої інтенсивності та доступного об’єму навантаження під час занять різними видами занять фізичною культурою і спортом.
The main aim of state politics at the sphere of education is creating conditions for a development of a person and creative self – regulation of each citizen of Ukraine as well as renewal of a content of education and an organization of educational and bringing – up process according to democratic values and pecularities of a development of an economy as well as modern scientific and technical achievements. The most important directions of a state politics concerning to a development of high education is the personal orientation of high education. This orientation has to provide all –round development; a harmony and an integrity of a person as well as person’s abilities and talents. On this base it has to fulfill enrichment of intellectual potential of a people as well as people’s mentality and a culture. There are such kind features of technologies of healthing and recreational moving activities as a social phenomenon: accessibility of organized moving activities which it is determined feature of these social phenomenon; - possibilities of doing lessons at free time from learning or labour activities that is during a leisure; - doing lessons at formal and / or non – formal groups as a rule according to given instruction or under leading of a trainer or an instructor; - a direction to renewal workability; saving health of a person and improvement of health of a person. It is needed to accent that only full presence of these features is characterized to modern technologies of healthing and recreational moving activities as a social phenomenon. An absence of any of abovenamed features is the other social sport creating which is out of the theme of our investigation.